Monday, May 7, 2012

Bouncy hair & High Heels

As I sit on the sofa and watch my hubby mindlessly play Madden (Eagles v. Cowboys), I look at him with an raised eyebrow.... How is it that men can sit in front of a video game for hours with no complaints...but as soon as you give them a "honey-do"... the complaints of how much time they lack begins!!! I'm just saying can we turn the game off and maybe, just maybe we will have enough time to do everything???
    Well that's my "oh boy moment for tonight....deep sigh... Today is my first day blogging and I'm so excited. I've always wanted to be a "Blogger" O_o but never had the time to set it up. What better day to start than on a Sunday, Right? My Sundays are very low key,  ..... my hubby and I took the kiddies to church and followed by take-out from Old Chicago. I think Sunday's are my fav day of the week, maybe because it's my best hair days and I have a reason to dress up! Shallow right?! I know.  Every Saturday or Friday....I have this thing where I must shampoo and style my hair for church. It may just be a "Southern Thang" but it's just something about going to church with that bouncy roller wrap hair and high heels!!! So womanly right???Anywho.....In every blog post that I write I promise there will be some sort of lesson learned, inspiration or my opinion on something....anything...that will give meaning to reading my entries. Except for tonight. ***Smiles and winks***

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